Sunday, February 25, 2018

Spectacular Sunday

Image may contain: ocean, sky, water, outdoor and nature

I am very fortunate to live in the State of Florida, USA. The picture above I took recently at the beach which is an hour away from me. The point is life is beautiful - you just have to lift your eyes and look! If I can't make the drive to the beach, I look outside my window to see the majestic pine trees and early blooming azalea bushes. Adding to my spectacular Sunday are soft cotton clouds and sweet sounds of birds. Wow! I must be in heaven :) I find when my attitude changes, my outer world changes too. I want to share the following passage with you:

Image result for sea turtle free photo"In some of the oldest spiritual traditions on Earth, students are taught to see the outside world as a reflection of what is happening within ourselves, and by viewing the world in this way we can find guidance and even unwitting teachers in the natural phenomenon around us." - written by my son who lives in Hawaii

Have a beautiful Sunday!

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