Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Print Books Are Back

Image result for book gifJust the feel and smell of a book brings great comfort to me. Even holding a book is something akin to holding a treasured child. But in this digital age of smart phones, tablets and other devices the print book is in danger of becoming extinct as the dinosaur. Or some may think! Actually, e-book sales were down 18 percent compared to hard back sales going up 4 percent, according to recent data. Wow! It seems like people are returning to the old fashioned print book. Why you may ask? 

Image result for book gifFor myself I want to limit my screen time at home in addition to keeping fond memories of growing up with books. Others polled online say they prefer hardback books as gifts which are more impressive than a digital format. And children's print books have always been popular in the written format with big colorful pictures paired with interesting vocabulary (think Dr. Seuss). 

I want to share a story of mine. Recently, I purchased a New York Times Best Seller online and downloaded onto my Kindle. I found after a couple of weeks I had only read a few chapters. I thought this situation was odd since I love to read. Later, I figured out my eyes were worn out from all the hours I spent on the computer at work. Fortunately, I was able to get a free, hardback copy through the library. What a difference! I was able to go through pages like a knife goes through soft butter. I have not given up my Kindle which is very convenient for holding multiple books and enlarging font. But I am glad print books are back for my reading pleasure in the evenings. 

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