Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Small Steps

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At times I feel bombarded by messages online to join the movement to make the world a better place! Someone has opened up a plastic-free grocery store or printed an actual 3-D tiny house for the homeless. I start to examine my own life purpose amongst these larger-than-life projects. 

What can I do I ask? Well the answer came to me suddenly while sitting outside this evening on my porch - Be Happy! Once I accomplish this goal, I am free to help others which can lead to my life purpose or projects. 

  • Being happy requires work. First you need to take care of your basic needs like food, shelter, clothing along with employment or retirement, transportation, maintenance. These things can be very time-consuming! But I find I have a routine to minimize my time. For example, I do all my laundry in one afternoon instead of daily. Also, I keep a To Do List giving priority to such things as getting the car fixed. See what works for you.
  • Schedule social activities. All work and no play makes Johnny or Joanne a dull person! Plan at least one event you can look forward to during the week. It can be meeting friends for a meal or going to a concert in the park. Just put something on your calendar even if you just plan on browsing books at the mall.
  • Help others. It is true helping others leads to happiness for you. How cool for everyone! Look for opportunities to help others. It can be as simple as letting someone in the grocery line go in front of you. Sometimes someone at work or in your family will ask for help. There is your call! Afterwards you feel a wonderful sense of peace and accomplishment.
  • Now you are ready for other projects. Think about what is important to you. For me it is recycling. It all starts with me! So I figured my first step is not using straws or tops when I order drinks. I tried that last week and the soda tasted fine without the extra plastic. I am hoping others will follow. It all adds up with hundreds of people changing their habits. 
  • Give yourself time. Just take a small step toward your goal. Later, you can open up a recycling company or write the best-seller. For instance, I have several half-written stories. Instead of beating myself up as to why I have not completed a book, I have decided to blog. I enjoy blogging and it keeps me writing! The big stuff will come later. 
That's it folks and have an amazing rest of the week! 

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Saturday, April 14, 2018

No Man / Woman is an Island

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Being single at 60 and beyond does not mean you have to be alone! It is important to interact with others including various ages and personalities. Keep in mind you are not actively hunting for the "one" either. People will pick up on that desperate search and run for the hills 😊 You merely want to be able to hold a conversation with like gender or opposite and enjoy the moment.

There are ways to achieve interaction without having to look online for chats or meetups with virtual strangers. From my personal experience and speaking with others here are some tips:

Meet in groups - try meetup.com: Follow your special interests like bicycling, concerts, art and put in your zip code on meetup.com. If you are on Facebook, your friends will appear in the groups if they are members. And all of this is free! (if you don't connect with a group, try another one)

Go to a place of worship: There are many non-denominational choices. Find a place where you are comfortable and enjoy the service. Join the group afterwards in the Social Hall. The bottom line is the spiritual message can always leave you fulfilled even if the interaction does not.

Practice casual conversation: Look for ways to talk with others. Consider your friendly neighbor, someone in a grocery line or at the bank. Just continue the rapport if they comment on the weather or the long line. All you need is a few moments of conversation.

Work activities: Participate in suggested company invites such as walking groups, bowling or softball. Also consider after-work gatherings arranged by co-workers including sporting events and movies. Again follow your interests.

Family and friends: If you need to have a meaningful connection, call a family member or friend. There are always there for you! If they do not answer their phone, dial another. And if still no pick-up, journal your thoughts - write them down so you may find expression and release.

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I do want to point out it is okay being alone sometimes! In fact it is necessary to maintain balance in your life. Just keep track of the time on your island. Anything longer than 48 hours may require human interaction. Have fun getting off the island!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Print Books Are Back

Image result for book gifJust the feel and smell of a book brings great comfort to me. Even holding a book is something akin to holding a treasured child. But in this digital age of smart phones, tablets and other devices the print book is in danger of becoming extinct as the dinosaur. Or some may think! Actually, e-book sales were down 18 percent compared to hard back sales going up 4 percent, according to recent data. Wow! It seems like people are returning to the old fashioned print book. Why you may ask? 

Image result for book gifFor myself I want to limit my screen time at home in addition to keeping fond memories of growing up with books. Others polled online say they prefer hardback books as gifts which are more impressive than a digital format. And children's print books have always been popular in the written format with big colorful pictures paired with interesting vocabulary (think Dr. Seuss). 

I want to share a story of mine. Recently, I purchased a New York Times Best Seller online and downloaded onto my Kindle. I found after a couple of weeks I had only read a few chapters. I thought this situation was odd since I love to read. Later, I figured out my eyes were worn out from all the hours I spent on the computer at work. Fortunately, I was able to get a free, hardback copy through the library. What a difference! I was able to go through pages like a knife goes through soft butter. I have not given up my Kindle which is very convenient for holding multiple books and enlarging font. But I am glad print books are back for my reading pleasure in the evenings. 

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Taking Time Out

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I saw this picture on Facebook the other week. It reminded me of how important it is to take time to relax, to be ourselves! So often I find myself and others running from one event to the other in addition to taking care of our work and chore duties. This seems to be a common situation whether you are 40 or 60!  

When someone thinks of getting away, big trips come to mind like the Jungles in Peru or a Rhine Getaway in Europe. These are great trips but they require a lot of planning and plenty of cash! That is okay sometimes. But I have found all I really need is to take time out. Here are some suggestions:

1. Visit Family or Friend 
- Take advantage of someone's guest room or couch especially if they have offered. Just a change in environment can make a difference in your perspective.

2. Plan a Weekend Event
- It is important to plan something fun 😊 You can do things on your own like seeing a movie, shopping, walking outdoors, bicycling or pursuing a hobby. Group things are fun too but your alone time is precious.

3. Sit on Your Porch
- Some of you may not have a porch. I know it is a Southern thing! But just gaze outside or go to a park and drink in the beauty of nature. 

4. Go to a Coffee Bar
- Just wander into a coffee place and order something flavorful! Sit inside or out glancing at other people (but not too long) and at your surroundings. Call a friend on your phone or bring a book to read.

5. Eat Comfort Food
- Staying home and resting from a busy world is a retreat. Make yourself something soothing like soup or a casserole  - order out if you don't cook. Taking care of yourself is necessary.

Image may contain: ocean, beach, sky, outdoor, water and natureRemember you are your own best friend so enjoy the good company!

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Synchronicity - A Spiritual Path

Related imageSynchronicity - a concept introduced by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung holds that events are "meaningful coincidences" if they occur with no casual relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related. What does that mean? 

When you experience separate events happening in your life and eventually they all flow into one river! For example, prior to my first trip to Hawaii last year, my flights were changed at the last minute. Just before I went to sleep I was receiving texts from the airline informing me my flight time had been pushed up by 4 hours! So that meant I would get just a couple of hours of sleep. I was upset and called the airline to confirm. Yep it was true. So I set my alarm and accepted the inevitable. I scrambled and grumbled the next morning!

Image result for palm tree emojiWhen I arrived in Kona, HI, I got to experience the bright afternoon air scented in ginger and jasmine blossoms. And I got to look into my son's eyes and see the light of happiness. My original flight had me arriving at night! Also, there were two more stops instead of just the one. I told my son and his girlfriend about the chaos the night before and they just nodded and said "Synchronicity" - it all happens for a reason and enjoy the result!

How do you get synchronicity to work in your life?

  • Think about what you want - Not obsession or unreality. Just lightly touch upon what you need. For instance, the other day I noticed my phone was running very slowly and out of memory. I thought about getting a new phone but it was not in the budget! One day later, I ran into someone who happened to work at a phone carrier down the road. She mentioned there was a promotion of "free phones" if you switch companies. And she was working that afternoon. Wow! I got the phone that day.
  • If it helps others, synchronicity works faster - When your thought helps another to achieve their goal, it travels at lightning speed! Last weekend I decided to go to a hosted luncheon on behalf of a new meetup group for Christian Singles. I almost did not go but decided I would to help promote the group. Later, I happen to win a door prize at the luncheon which was a large breakfast griddle - the kind you can flip a dozen pancakes at once! I mailed the griddle the next day to my son who happens to be starting an airbnb business with breakfast included.
  • Listen to the universe for messages - Be aware of messages or thoughts happening more than once. The source can be the universe, God or whatever is your belief! Lately, two different people have told me I should visit my son and his girlfriend in Hawaii this summer. I originally planned the visit during Christmas. But I am listening to my messages so I set my travel alerts for the summer.
  • Seize the opportunity when present - When an event occurs adding to your happiness or someone else's, accept it! Lately, I had been thinking about staying a couple of nights at the beach. I searched through numerous listings on airbnb but could not find the perfect one matching my budget or location. Then a week later my ex sister-in-law, who is also a good friend, offered me the opportunity to stay at her place which is one block from the beach. She had no idea I was looking! Of course I said "Yes".
*I want to credit my sources for this article: The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield, Rev. Bob Marshall at unityorlando.org and The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Working at 60 and After

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Some people may think I am retired and sit at home blogging and beaching all day. Not so! I work a full-time job in addition to doing chores such as laundry, cooking, dishes, paying bills, shopping, etc. 

Actually, there are many people like myself working actively at 60 and beyond. One reason why many baby boomers continue to work is because we have not reached the early retirement age of 62. Our only option is to work! But after talking to numerous people I have discovered some creative thinkers in this job market. You may consider the following:

  • Do What You Love! - if you like hiking and camping, then get a part-time job in a retail store selling those items. The list is endless for your interests and hobbies like Mr. or Ms. Fix-It or Creative Chef.
  • Consulting Work - what did you used to do and did well in your earlier years? Guess what you are an expert in the field! People have set up a consulting business in their spare bedroom such as marketing or accounting taking on clients very quickly through the power of social media.
  • Start a New Career - it is never too late to pursue that dream of yours! Some people have wanted to start a specialty cupcake business or play tour guide for other Americans in a foreign country. In fact, one woman I knew left a newspaper job to start a writer's retreat in France complete with tips, cooking and tours.
  • Part-Time Jobs - there are a variety of companies looking for reliable workers. You may consider working as a Substitute Teacher at a public school, Retail Clerk at your favorite store, Hostess or Waitress at a restaurant, Cashier at a grocery store, Customer Service at a local call center.
I know some people may not have the luxury to work only part-time. In fact I used to work two part-time jobs - substitute teaching and customer service. And my best friend works as a retail clerk at a hiking shop on the weekend and substitute teaches during the week. It is not always fun working two jobs and you do feel your age at times! 

Here is what I discovered about working at 60 and after:

1. You are providing a service 
2. The brain is getting used 
3. You are not sitting at home
4. The job provides good conversation
5. Money gets deposited in your bank

Yes that job sounds mighty good! Sign me up for another 10 years. 

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Sunday, February 25, 2018

Spectacular Sunday

Image may contain: ocean, sky, water, outdoor and nature

I am very fortunate to live in the State of Florida, USA. The picture above I took recently at the beach which is an hour away from me. The point is life is beautiful - you just have to lift your eyes and look! If I can't make the drive to the beach, I look outside my window to see the majestic pine trees and early blooming azalea bushes. Adding to my spectacular Sunday are soft cotton clouds and sweet sounds of birds. Wow! I must be in heaven :) I find when my attitude changes, my outer world changes too. I want to share the following passage with you:

Image result for sea turtle free photo"In some of the oldest spiritual traditions on Earth, students are taught to see the outside world as a reflection of what is happening within ourselves, and by viewing the world in this way we can find guidance and even unwitting teachers in the natural phenomenon around us." - written by my son who lives in Hawaii

Have a beautiful Sunday!